Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow

Powlett River, receding tide.

Driving, singing along with The Beatles, Hey Jude. Its magical the way that music can transport one to a time so long ago. Headed down to Powlett River, stopping off on the way to check out some likely spots. It was a very misty day, and the shadows were very soft. As the sun descended The Powlett became a magical place. Had a long saunter along the estuary toward the entrance. Snapping this and snapping that, also trying out my new iPhone. Hmm, I think that it is going to be a little while before I get this iPhonography sorted out.
I was reading in a photography magazine where a featured artist was talking about how another photographer named Fredrick Evans saw himself as a photographer of shadows, and how he saw himself as having that same characteristic. I would also subscribe to this, as a lot of my photography has an element of "darkness" or low key. This is just something that has evolved over the past couple of years. I mention this because I have adjusted a number of my photos to post here, adjusted them lighter in fact. And going to another photographer's essay on American Suburb X website, in which he stated that above all, one should be true to ones vision of what they want their photography to be. Forget about the monthly camera club comps, and forge your own vision. Being involved in one particular camera club that has these monthly comps, and discovering that the monthly judge invariably addresses the entries by a very conservative dogma of what a photograph should be, according to him or her, I thought that this is pretty much stifling my own creativity and vision.
Anyway, this particular photograph, when I viewed it in preview, seemed a tad too dark. No doubt the monthly judge would have a fit.

Bigger version here.

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