Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Saying goodbye

I love seeing these two playing together. P can be a bit bossy and A can be stubborn but when they are both cooperating with each other I love just watching them and seeing their imaginations whirl.

Once dressed and ready we dropped them off at nursery and school and then went on the long drive down to Ipswich. Today was my Grandmas June's funeral. All the family was gathered and it was sad to think that the last time I saw most of them was at my grandads funeral about 10 years ago.

Grandma June had arranged everything just as she wanted. Some lovely hymns and thought provoking passages were read out. The minister even had a message to read out from her to us all as well. As the last hymn was sung lots of tears were shed but I felt strangely calm and even happy. I could almost see her sat in the front row, singing along with a wide beaming smile. She was happy. And I know that she is now happy, she's where she's wanted to be for a very long time. She said she wanted to go home to Jesus and now she has. Peacefully and with all her loved ones around her.

There was a low key buffet afterwards and teas and coffee were served. My cousin had cleared her old house and brought two big boxes of family photographs for my parents. We had a rummage through and enjoyed reliving old memories.

Goodbye Grandma June.

We'll miss you.

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