Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Easter project

Little A is still suffering with his cough. He's lost his voice now and is very croaky. We took P to school and she was very excited to hand in her easter project. Me and A then went to music.

I had to go into work for a couple of hours for some training this afternoon. We met grandma at the local garden centre then off I went to work.

I was home in time for the school run and A fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up till 5. His temp was right up and he didn't want any tea. I got the kiddies to bed early and fingers crossed he will be feeling a bit better for nursery tomorrow.

I did some more painting this evening. Mr J came home, walked into the kitchen and then yelled " argh you didn't tell me you've been painting! I've just put my hand in it!" How did he not notice that a brown door has now turned white??

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