Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Thursday -- 3,000th Blip

Blip Central has revealed to me that this is a big number blip entry for me. Somehow I have compiled 3,000 blips (and as far as I know it is 3,000 in-a-row). When I started this journey in early January 2009, I had no idea where this would lead. I simply wanted a place that I could "journal" my thoughts every day. So I searched Google for "daily journal" and one of the main choices I was given was "Blipfoto." And the journey started.

In a nano-second I realized I had joined a photographers site, but that did not scare me. I just jumped in and kept moving along with everyone else. Pretty quickly I was addicted, especially addicted to seeing the entries of other blippers and to writing comments. About 3-years into this journey, I realized that I had nonchalantly been sucked into the Blip world and numerous other aspects of my life were on the side-lines waiting for me to give them my attention. That was approximately 2,000 blips ago, so I don't really remember how I managed to overcome my addiction, but I am now telling you that when I checked into "Blippers Anonymous" I had little hope that I'd ever recover, but I did finally stop spending as many of my hours inside of Blipfoto as I had. I am not sure if that is good or if that is bad. It just is.

So today I celebrate 3,000 blips. Even though Joe Tree, the founder, is no longer at the helm of this community, I still want to thank him. Joe if you are out there or reading this Thank YOU! I am so grateful to have so many of my moments, 3,000 of them, recorded here. I also want to thank the dedicated folks at BlipCentral for keeping this community alive -- Wow! And I especially want to express my sincere thanks to every person who has ever left me a comment, and back in those first thousand blips there were many. The encouragement I was given was enormous. I honestly believe I have friends all over the world because of Blipfoto. So many amazing people share life on this site and with this community. I apologize that I no longer leave comments, at least very rarely, but I am still employed full time and have a full life of responsibilities outside of my career life and I'm just not efficient at doing it all, or at least doing it well. I hope when I retire from college teaching in 5 1/2 semesters, I will find my way back into more Blip time.

This has definitely been a journey with many road signs along the way. I plan to stay on the blip highway and every day post my bill-board, I mean blip. Again, Thank YOU everyone!

From southern California,
and from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Today we drove the 4-hour road-trip from our home in SoCal to our "escape" place on California's Central Coast. It's a grand place of relaxation.

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