Sheep and neeps

What miserable day, I can't remember a day when it rained from start to finish and we did nt even get a glimpse of the sun which is very unusual. I was abit disappointed that we did nt wake up to a sprinkle of snow.
First Mike took me to the Puffin Pool where I had a natter with some of the ladies. We were discussing 'Health and Safety' and wondering who comes up with the rules. There used to be a blind in front of the window by the Pool, mainly for privacy I think but this has been removed ' in case we cut ourselves ' ? not sure how. The staff have been reduced down to two ( cost cutting )after an increase to three a few years ago which meant that one 'life guard' could be on duty Pool Side, another in reception and one spare incase of emergencies and assisting patients which made sense but now they are finding it difficult to cover everything.
On the way home we went through Culbokie and I spotted this farmer taking the tops off the neeps so that the sheep could feed on the next row. They were soon chomping away even though they were soaked , although I wonder if their fleeces are waterproof ? They never seem to be bothered by the weather.
Home and some housework done and then off to Nairn in the rain. We popped down to the harbour, not much to see except for a few oyster catchers and a few brave dog walkers walking along the beach. We picked up some fish and chips from the chippy and ate them in the car over looking the river Nairn. After the steamed up windows cleared we drove on to Sainburys. We bought a few red noses , I got an owl one :)
Then it was off to the airport to collect David. Sounds like he had a busy but good time and managed to do all that he wanted to do :)

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