Oh deer

After a hearty breakfast we headed out to do some exploring.Bitterly cold again with a strong wind but it was dry and a little overcast.A quick look at the waves from the golf course and onto Helmsdale.The waves were lashing over the harbour wall making huge splashes and Wooshes. Great to watch but we had to keep our distance, did nt fancy a soaking.
Then on to a drive up the Helmsdale river. The sun was starting to peep through sometimes lighting up the whole area with golden light. The sparse house shone out and the broken and heather that had looked dull and brown became colourful and bright.
We had seen red deer here before so was hoping that we would be lucky again.We were and there were plenty.Lots were taking advantage of the hay put out for the sheep. Such fantastic looking creatures with amazing antlers on the stage which were gathered together having their own stag party.
We reached Forsinard RSPB Centre in the middle of the flow country.It felt even colder here and snow had started to fall but we went on the Board walk to the new viewing platform looking at the little, frozen pools of water in the bog.Lots of different mosses and sundew plants.
The views were super especially with the changing light and clouds.We did nt see many birds here but had seen buzzard and lapwings displaying nearby and there was evidence of rabbits and hares which much take shelter under the decking and building.
We continued our journey, niepw in search of a loo, eventually finding some in Melvich, several miles further North , only to find that they were locked ! Ok, I know that maybe not many people are out and about on a cold day in March but this is part of the NC500 and there were people around.
Luckily there was an Inn nearby and we were hungry too so that came to our rescue.A really good Scotch Broth and a cup of tea warmed us up while we watched the last 20 minutes of the Rugby,Scotland V Italy, think we times it just right as the end of the match was a great nail bitter with Scotland going on to win by 2 points.
An equally good drive back down the way we came and then dinner and a sit by the open fire :)

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