Sky at night
I'm not going to even begin to claim I put much effort into this. It's probably fairly obvious that I just stuck the camera out of the window on a 30 second exposure, then turned the noise down in Lightroom. Actually, it was going to be something slightly clever with the frame of the window showing, but that didn't work in the first two shots, and the kitchen was getting too full of moths by then to have another go. But oh my, my camera has a lot of dead pixels (I think I've cloned out most of the ones that don't look like they could be stars...) Must be time for a new camera...
Kids back to school today, so an early morning start for us all. Of course I got up at the usual 'going to school' time, forgetting that we had no homework to fight over/finish, so actually we all sat around for half an hour before school with nothing to do. They were both delighted to get back to the routine, and the 'rentree coffee in the playground' socialising session passed without major incident or language faux pas (I think). Then back to the desk to beat my 1pm deadline. Of course, getting the work submitted has just resulted in more work arriving, which is sort of great, but sort of not as I was hoping for an afternoon break, having worked all day Sunday (grumble grumble). But as it happens it was chilly again today, so after forking over half the bed photographed yesterday, I decided to just get indoors (even though it's even colder in there) and work, in the hope that then I might be finished by the time some sunny weather arrives.
I am feeling a little uninspired with photography lately (had you noticed?) though I know if I get out of my garden with the camera I will be entranced with it again... Must do that.
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