Self Denial

The downside in allowing my inner thin woman to emerge, is the self denial required on all things pleasurably edible. This means scones, cake, biscuits and chocolate , but fortunately, not in my case, wine.
In the past I have consumed these treats as a personal reward or in a mindless way as a boredom beater. This has all changed, and the resulting loss of avoirdupois is slowly, oh so slowly beginning to be felt.

The upside is that the myriad selection of too small clothing hanging in the cupboard and earmarked for the charity shop has been rediscovered, and I have a new wardrobe. If the clothes are a tad out of date, too bad, the very fact of being able to fit them, is reward enough.

Naturally the clothing made for the bigger Lady is being kept just in case she finds her entrance again. You can never tell when a miserable cappuccino is going to be enough to satisfy the thin emergent one.

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