A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Dragging it out

Technically this picture is fine as my phone informs me it was taken at 00.05. It is sort of cheating as it was more the end of yesterday than anything to do with today. But I was really drawn to this inviting looking bar which we didn't make it into so I will include it here to help me find it again another time.

Back to the actual today...we made our earlyish (10am) setting off time comfortably and after checking out of our lovely apartment headed to De Pijp to find brunch. The place we were headed for had an hour long queue but fortunately had a less busy sister restaurant around the corner which served good coffee and nourishing Cali-Mex food. The decor oddly continuing a Day of the Dead, Mexican, Frida Kahlo theme that seems to have cropped up all over the place.

Suitably nourished we headed to the Rijksmuseum to tick off the appropriate treasures and establish just how easy it is to get lost / separated from your party in. If anyone is going downloading the free app is highly recommended. Though only for a tour of the highlights and interesting commentary. It is no use for locating other members of your party, though I think this could be a good innovation. Coloured dots in the rooms they are in would be handy.

Two of our party headed to the airport for early flights and the remaining three of us wandered around the New Market, an area we hadn't yet explored and helped to complete my mental map of Amsterdam. Joyously the sun decided to come out and we celebrated with a glass of rose outside in a square by the old customs building.

Heading to the airport the two of us flying to London were told our flights were delayed by over two hours which threatened to put a damper on a lovely weekend but in what I can only assume was BA playing a game of worst case scenario it turned out to only be 10minutes.

It's been a splendid weekend and in a fit of ridiculous over achievement we have chosen destination, flights and accommodation for next year.

For now, I have had long enough away from my family and am very much looking forward to seeing everyone on the other side of this not really very delayed at all flight.

Lesley x

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