Christie's & Robertson's

There's been plenty of sunshine throughout the day, but there has also been showers, and wintery at times.  A cold day, and a cold wind.

A lazy morning to start the day, but with the sun shining, me and Sammy soon got out to enjoy it.  I managed to get washing out, and it was dry when taken back in.  Met mam, bro Jonny and the lasses after lunch, and enjoyed a walk about Fladdabister, before heading to town.  I had to leave them and head to work in the pub for a few hours.  Back home and feet up, telly on.

After our walk in Fladdabister, we headed to Lerwick to go visit family.  Great to see aunt Bunty and uncle Drew.  Bunty is the 2nd child in granddad's family, aunt Binnie was the eldest.  Back L-R - David, Marie, Sarah and Jonny.  Seated L-R - Drew, Pat, Lena and Bunty, with Michaela at front.  David is aunt Bunty's son, with his two lasses (my second cousins), bro Jonny and his two lasses and mam and Bunty are both nee Arthur.  Taken at Burgh Road, Lerwick. 

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