Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Wow what a day!! Had an absolutely amazing ride at Catton park. This was pencilled in as the first SE ride me and Jenny we going to do since January. Unfortunately Dougal has been lame and with his loading issues too Jenny wasn't able to come. So i decided to just go for it and so glad i did.

SE is a really friendly organisation with a great FB page so I just put a post on asking if anyone else was riding solo and wanted to buddy up. I got so lucky with a lovely lady called Sam and her horse Harley. She'd done Catton park loads of times and Harley and Lime were really well matched. Lime was so so excited. We started at the same time as quite a few others and he just wanted to go!! I really struggled to hold onto him. But then the field thinned out a bit and we had a couple of good fast canters and he settled into it but was still very strong all the way round. My shoulders really ache tonight. I'm still buzzing from it. It was just brilliant. Lime was just brilliant. And we got a lovely big rosette at the end. The first rosette we have ever got together (everyone gets one who completes it!!) Can't wait for the next one.

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