
By Lulurocks

A point of view.............

I wasn't going to Blip today, I haven't been feeling it at all. It's been a down day mostly filled with pain and very little else.

I had hoped for such a great start to the week after the loveliest Sunday I have had in a while. Ahhh well it wasn't to be.
I couldn't stay away from here though and was looking through some of my fellow Blipers posts.

I kept getting drawn to pictures of the sky and ones with interesting light in them.
One of my favorite things to try and capture is light. I am intrigued by how it changes things, subtly and drastically. So I set about making my own picture, playing with light, and seeing how I could change the look and feel of something I see every day.

Whilst I snapped away it got me to thinking about perception and how individual it is. What may appear beautiful and serene to someone could appear normal and mundane to someone three feet to the right.

Maybe I need to step three feet to the right sometimes and see if I can change my perception on things. Maybe then a not so good day can become a better one.

I hope you enjoy my picture as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Thank you Blip for helping to end the day on a happier note.

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