Good to be home. Though walking in last night to find a tub of toadspawn on the kitchen table was a low point.
The fishes' home has been renovated over the weekend, with everything scrubbed clean and shifted around. And one of the air stones has been cleverly put inside the fake log cave thing (which the fish are all now too big to swim in). Couldn't get a shot without a fishy photobomb (they seemed pleased to see me - I think Mendel has forgiven me for burying him now.)
Exhausted this morning, and more than a little grumpy that after a 2am bedtime it was still my job to get up at 7am to deal with the kids. Anyway, after a very quick school office stint, back to bed for me until Mr B got up to begin the first in a series of calls.
Some drifting kind of work for me, a good meeting at school to learn how CarbBoy will be dealt with, shopping, meeting at the primary school to learn what kind of tortured accounting I have to deal with before I leave, and then the suspension fell off the car. Cue a series of texts and calls to sort out lifts for the kids, and tomorrow I will mostly be at the garage, finding car hire, and wincing at the price of everything.
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