No canals
A much sprightlier start all round today, as we were on a strict schedule so as to fit in more food. Through the rain to De Pijp for brunch, though we ended up in a Cal-Mex(?) sister restaurant as the mother ship was too full.
So, stuffed with lunch-for-breakfast (in the new world order there are no rules for breakfast) we tottered to the Rijksmuseum, where I really just wanted to snooze on one of the comfy benches.
Once we were all full of art (and in tribute to CarbBoy I had lost everyone at least once) off through the brightening day for a general wander back towards our apartment. Two of our party dashed off to the airport, while the rest of us wandered more and ended up in a lovely bar where we quickly talked ourselves into a bottle of rosé on the terrace.
Then a cab to the airport and the bad news that my friends' flights to London were delayed. Plans to meet for a drink were thwarted by me being in the Schengen zone and them not. So, off to my lounge for a slightly odd chat with a woman in need of a phone charger. My flight is ages away...
Another fine weekend.
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