
By Instography


Mostly working at home plodding through data. It's that lethal combination of dull but needs care because mistakes are so easy to make and so difficult to spot. Caffeine and biscuits is the answer. Mercifully interupted by needing to give the mutt at least a minimal walk up to school and the longish way back. But once that work was done it was on to the other work. Checking the labels and sending the final artwork to the printer. Proper beer labels. I'm excited. You tell.

And then pork. Mandy's trip to the butcher resulted in a whole pork belly that needed skinned, divided, salted and then sealed in bags to cure. There was a big flappy bit of meat that got cut off so that's diced and bagged up for making a salami on Thursday. That should be ready in time for the Belgian who is dropping in mid-April for a visit.

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