
By Instography


<insert your own sausage-based innuendo here>

Working from home so the prep was done yesterday - black pepper cracked, fennel weighed out, pork shoulder removed from freezer, back fat found in the freezer, salt weighed out, garlic just sort of taken out of the little ceramic thing and put on the work top, knife sharpened. This morning the pretty smelly lengths of cow intestine were soaked in cold water to soften and take the salt out.

Lunchtime, shoulder cubed. Already cubed, vac-packed belly meat was unpacked. All minced. Frozen fat cube into weeny cubes and it was all pushed into the skins. All hanging to dry to their target weight. 

Other than that - data mangling. Dull, dull, and more dull. But nearly there for this bit at least.

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