Eye & Whiskers

I'm feeling about the same, less coughing, but the crud has moved to occupy my head as well. I'm laying low, listening to the Gorsuch Hearing and keeping up on my fluids. Eye status... same.

So, I sat on my small stool by the back door and watched the squirrel interactions on the back step. Ted with the Tail must be a relative of my old squirrel friend Nelson. He's definitely brave and quite comfortable with me when I go out to restock the peanuts. There were at least five squirrels snatching peanuts and fussing at and with each other, territorial behaviors everywhere. I went to close the door, camera still in hand and saw something quite sweet. Ted and another were sweetly nuzzling each other, love amid the winter ruins witnessed on the back step. You can see them in the extras.

For the Record, 
This day came in sunny and warm.

All hands waiting for the next shoe to fall in the FBI's investigation. Some spring cleaning at the White House would relieve a lot of anxiety.

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