As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Jess For President

Tonight is the first school night of junior year.

We left my uncle's house around 10:00 and waited patiently at home for our parents to arrive. I switched between reading Jane Eyre and watching Dance Moms all afternoon. After dinner, I finished my physics packet, printed the APUSH assignment, and finished Jane Eyre. It really was a good book, just not when you need to rush it two days before school. I was on the phone with Jess and Kaitlin at different points in time this evening to check the physics packet. I've just finished packing my bag for tomorrow and I'm off to bed.

I have no idea what to expect this year; the most I can do is try and stay positive and not fall behind on my work.

Word of the Day: Ataraxia - A state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility

^I could use some ataraxia right about now.

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