
By FarmerGirl

A day for sleeping

We have had a very wet day today, where we have been dealing with newly born calves sitting in mud, shivering. There is fresh snow on the top of Mount Mantle, and you can feel it in the air temperature.

You are all probably sick of seeing calves, but it is still pouring with rain and I really wanted to take a quick picture without getting too wet.

I took this picture from the cow shed this afternoon. I thought you would be interested in seeing the shelter we provide in the paddock for our young calves. This is a specially made calf tent, to protect calves from the terrible weather, and cool temperatures, like we are having today. Calves can quickly get run down and sick when they have to deal with continuous wet and cold weather conditions.

All the calves in the tent are sleeping, and seem quite happy with their housing arrangements!

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