Sky in a droplet

I saw this cobweb this morning as I was rushing out of the door. I got my spray bottle and gave it a wee spritz when I got home. I needn't have bothered; the skies opened shortly afterwards, dowsing it with raindrops.

Blue sky and fluffy white clouds then as now. The rain, a forgotten memory.

The clouds reflected in each tiny droplet made me smile. I love macro photography!

Bosco came home last night with a limp. He was no brighter this morning, so Rae took him to the vet to get it checked out. He had an x-ray and has a badly bruised bone (no break fortunately). It sounds as if he could have landed badly, been trodden on or had his foot slammed in a door or something. I guess we'll never know. He is currently languishing in the splendour of Rae's bedroom; housebound for a few days.

He is most definitely not amused.

Off for a dog walk now, sans camera.



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