
By bananablip

A test of creativity

After last week's bumper Food Hub box, today was a little bit...bare. I guess that's the nature of the thing, we'll only ever get what the supermarket can't sell. However, because we want to do this on a very limited budget, we had to get creative. 

In the end we've decided to use the bread rolls for buns and will be making sweet potato and sweetcorn burgers. I was toying with creating some kind of pear and chocolate bread and butter pudding for desert but I don't think we'll have time and it doesn't exactly fit in with the healthy eating theme. They can all have a pear to take home with them.

I wish the weather would stop playing games with us, giving us hints of spring and then firing us straight back into winter. I've been cold and grumpy today. I can't believe that this time last week it was warm enough to walk up a hill in a tshirt and go for a run in shorts. Urgh. 

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