Eggciting day

I had wondered whether the thought of a four day week leading up to TEN DAYS OFF might make this week drag a little. However, it's been full and fun thus far.

Today we had an early start for our Easter assembly out at Pontesbury. I've been a bit anxious about this set of assemblies, not only because I've had to deliver in a style I'm not used to but because the whole assembly seems a little heavy. We really didn't want to shy away from some of the issues that young people face, and in the light of the Easter message, we pray that we have left a message of hope.

A bit of video editing before we headed out to college to hand out Easter eggs and chat to students. It was fun but I'm a little surprised at how many vegans there are at college. Either that or it's a weird excuse not to take free chocolate. Onto our school club and then choir. And more of the same tomorrow!

Also, excitement! My resistance bands arrived! I'm hoping that they'll help me strengthen my knee and avoid any more injury. Still really nervous about doing any more than 10km at the moment which is a bit frustrating. Seems like my marathon plans might be off for this year.

Two. More. Days.

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