By the light, of the dark side, of the Moon

I've seen a few blips of this already, so I've deliberately gone for the unusual ultra-wide shot, and from the "dark side". I would have done the tower shot, which gives a more normal view of the Moon, but Janet was uncomfortable with the number of potentially germ-ridden Bristolians(*) so we didn't stay long.

It's an odd feeling. The Moon, well she's in full clarity and focus, and huge! And people are lying on the floor gazing up at her, and whispering quietly and excitedly to one another. It's very hard to avoid being in someone's picture as they capture a child or a spouse "holding up" the Moon.

Afterward, we went for a walk up Brandon Hill, but that was a tough ask of Janet and we spent most of the time sitting on park benches, watching everyone else be athletic up and down the hill and up and down the tower.

What a fabulous weekend it's been!!! Great weather, outdoor dining and all my girls at home together. It's been quite taxing for Janet of course, but it was such a delight. Saying farewell to Charlie was tough therefore but hey, girls got studies to do... Hopefully she'll be back from France again soon.

Back to hospital tomorrow, but thank the gods we didn't get stuck on the M5 today when a lorry full of burning hay brought both carriageways to a halt. It's apparently only just re-opened, and the traffic backed up for miles in both directions.

(*) Yes, I know, Bristolians are the most lovely people (I'm one of them) and don't harbour any more germs than the national average. It's just that Janet's immune system is very low right now, post-op. Ok? ;-)

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