Snow Down Under

By snowy


At 10.40 last night, whilst I was busy answering your comments, I heard the wonderful pitter patter of rain on the roof (is there a nicer sound ?) so I took myself off, blissfully to bed.........dreamed of a huge deluge........& woke this morning to find we'd had a miserable 5mm ! Oh well, I must be thankful for small mercies & not complain.
You may ask about the green lawn here, but that comes courtesy of the garden hose. To the left of the big bale of pea straw, which is going on the bed of iceberg roses; if you look hard, you will see a bronze plaque, mounted on a stone, in memory of my husband. It was placed under the copper beech tree because he dug the hole for it & I can see it from my kitchen window.

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