
Tonight, after doing my lesson prep, I watched the last 20 minutes of "Vincent and the Doctor" (a Doctor Who episode with Matt Smith).

Part of the storyline is about the Doctor's assistant wanting to change Vincent Van Gogh's timeline to avoid the tragic end to his life. When she realises that sometimes, things can't be changed, the Doctor said the words I have written in the image. Combined with Chances by Athlete as the soundtrack, as they took Vincent to the future, to the Musee D'Orsey, so that he could see how admired his work was and could hear how people were touched by what he did, my tears finally came. (The video shows key scenes from the episode, with the song overlaid - you kind of get a sense of the poignancy without the dialogue).

It all seemed to be so relevant right now.

You are in our thoughts, and although we won't get the chance, all of us would so dearly love to show you what you mean to us, even now.


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