
By Frogbit

The hungry cat

Fruitcake cat was stalking me while I was doing the chores. That look which bores into your skull: 'Feed me, feed me, feed me'.

Shortly before this was taken I  found a toad in my gardening shoe. I was less surprised than one might think as it's quite a common occurrence in our boot room to find toads in our shoes. They normally prefer the boys' shoes (larger, darker, possibly damper and certainly with a more interesting aroma) and I'd been hoping this one might pose for me but he pressed himself into the toe end and turned his head away. I didn't think it fair to keep trying so I left him be and used Fruitcake cat instead as my subject as she was conveniently right beside me.

A beautiful day outside. Definitely one for spending doing gardeny things so that is what I will do before the end of the day. Dahlia seeds to sow and a box plant to liberate from its pot into a border.

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