
By Frogbit

A Mother's Day present

This is what happens when you leave your camera lying about on Mother's Day with all the children around. 

Actually it was lovely having all the babes together again - Z came down from London for the day and despite Boy 1 having a football match and Boy 2 playing rugby we managed to spend a decent amount of time all together. It was slightly marred by Boy 2 rapidly developing a fluey cold over the course of the afternoon but he did manage to make a Mother's Day carrot cake (and eat some) before retiring to his bed. W then set his tripod up in the garden wanting to take some jolly family photos so poor Boy 2 had to be roused from his bed to participate. Having contributed some interesting coughing poses he retired once more. 

Later it was roast chicken and taking Z back to the station. A Good Day all things told.

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