Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A warm day

It was a beautiful warm day today, one that makes us think that summer really is just around the corner. I had a lovely walk in the woods with Murdoch this morning, but surprisingly the woods are still very bare with little new growth on the trees - the only greenery came from these Scots Pines (think that is what they are) as all the other trees were still bare with hardly a hint of new shoots. We have not had much rain lately, so perhaps if it rains the new shoots will suddenly appear.

Two good things happened today - we finally exchanged contracts today on the purchase of the new house - although it is conditional on some outstanding planning issues being met, and the council have estimated a date of 10 May for that to happen - hopefully it will be sooner! We obviously won't complete until that condition is met and then it will be all systems go.

The other good thing was that this morning Luke was offered the job in Paris, so his positive instincts from his interview on Friday were correct. The only problem is, this 6 month internship runs from September '17 to February '18, and his Berlin internship runs from January '18 to June '18 - so he has some negotiating to do with both companies regarding starting dates. I am looking forward to some mini breaks in Paris and Berlin!

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