Ticca Tape!

Todays work schedule didn't quite go according to plan due to cuts being made where they shouldn't be made but hopefully this morning I demonstrated that!!! Then this afternoon I was cancelled which made a bit of a mockery of what happened in the morning - this afternoon shouldn't have happened and resources were wasted bu there you go!!! Im just the little fish in the great big lake!!

It did mean I was able to get all my paper work up to date while Mr W scrubbed the drive, scrubbed the cars, sorted out the over sprinkling fountain in the pond and found more ticca tape floating about outside,  nearly a week after spreading a s**t load of it all down the road!!! The man who came said it was bio-degradable - I think not!!

And heres my crocheting - I thought a scarf would be nice and quick. Oh silly, silly me!

I had a nice email from the Barge owner this afternoon asking if I was a professional photographer as I sent her a few of the pictures I took of her Daughter Singing. She offered me a discount on a cream tea if I was to come and take more pictures!!! I think a Professional would charge more than the discount offered on a £20 afternoon tea somehow but I like the thought!!!

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