Hearts & Sparkles

Although it's not mono, it's not exactly startlingly different from the past couple of days blips...except I've moved on from circles to hearts! Ha! I saw Apothecary7's blip & she inspired me to get colour on a filter...so added some glittery paint & some pen to a hummus pot lid...it's not turned out quite like I hoped, but it was fun to experiment. Once again, thanks Markus for getting us to try something a bit different. Asha's a bit perplexed as to why I keep sticking bits of old bottles in front of the lens!
I feel like I've got quite a bit of stuff done today - emails round to people who support the work here, shopping, washing, a bit of labour prep...Asha & I also made granola this afternoon (very cinnamony!). She had a play with my camera & tripod, have put her efforts in extras as a reminder for the future - how we were just before the boy joined our family...

Read this today...10 things the Roma want you to know about them...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny being a wonderment & cooking dinner, even after he got back from prison visiting.
2) Listening to Asha & her friend talking about the baby.
3) Mini snickers - our local Lidl has them for the first time! Yum!!

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