All aboard the lurgy bus

We dropped P at school this morning, picked a few bits from the retail park and then headed over to my mums for a belated Mother's Day. It was lovely to see her. We sat and had a cuppa then my phone rang. It was school. P was feeling sick and could I collect her.

So after just an hour at mums house we made the 45 minute drive back home. P didn't seem very poorly when we arrived and I'll admit I was a bit miffed. We came home and put the TV on. P changed into her pyjamas and then started tucking into her packed lunch! However within an hour she was beginning to look very pale. She felt hot and then the vomiting started....great. Just as A is on the mend (finally) p is sick.

She went up to bed at 5 and has only been sick again once since. Im hoping she can sleep it off and some normality can return tomorrow.

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