
By LeeAnne

Good company...

John MacLeod is incredibly good company. I found a new lunchtime spot. I read my book in peace for an hour.

I've been awol. Sorry about that but things aren't that hunkydory at the moment. I won't bore you with it, on a need to know basis, you don't need to know. I can't promise to get back to full on commenting but the badgering about not blipping from all sorts of angles was getting ridiculous. However, since the exif data doesn't appear to be recognisable on the whole backblipping thing - I have no idea why - I thought I'd try and catch up before it gets ridiculous. If you're remotely interested, they start here!

A welcome message from my friends Nix and Chris today after Nicki noticed that I'd not been blipping. They've invited me to spend the weekend with them on a dive trip to the Farne Islands. After a bit of juggling, my parents are off on their jollies again so I've transferred airport duty to my bother and rain checked ditched FT till next weekend. (Thank you lovely)

Timing couldn't be better. I have really good friends. Really good friends. x

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