Venezia ~ Day Due (Doo-eh)

We had a lovely breakfast at the hotel to set us up for the day. We strolled down to the Rialto Bridge, which was already very busy by 10 in the morning and then meandered our way towards St Marks Square. Wow! Very impressive. After queuing to get into the basilica, Mr C realised he had to put his rucksack in another building. So off he went and we all went in. My parents skirted round and we were back out just as Mr C got in. We went and sat by the sea whilst Mr C enjoyed his walk around the basilica. Coffee and loo break was had and then we set off again but with no real plans we ended up wandering around a little aimlessly. Eventually returning to the hotel where my parents could rest. Mr C and I sat in the garden to read, relax and have a drink.

The hotel doesn't do evening meals but do offer happy hour (and a half) where they have an array of delightful finger foods for you to enjoy.... all complimentary. We enjoyed this offer washed down with some prosecco. Then we all headed out for an evening stroll. Later in the evening we all enjoyed sharing pizzas too.

Another lovely day and the weather has been fab too.

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