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We've been two women down at work this week so far (as they've both been overseas on leave) so I've rejigged my hours and I worked this morning alone. It was really busy and I worked really hard, doing a whole day's work in half a day. Anyway, that out of the way, I managed to catch up on my archaeology this afternoon and wrote a new To Do list, which always makes me feel better.

Basil was sick a couple of times today so Polly and I walked without him - it took half the time it usually does! By the time we'd got back Basil was looking much brighter and when I got back from my swim he was asking for his dinner and he seems to have kept it down.

I wasn't sure I'd have a picture to blip today. I took a few desperate photographs of the water cooler at the spa and the cows in the field on the way there but then the pair of long-tailed tits who sometimes hang out in the bushes outside the kitchen window put in an appearance.

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