Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Reality is what you make it

The day started with a bit of a trauma as a local (and very mean) cat had gotten into the garden but was unable to get out (thanks to AlCatRaz). Dylan and him had a standoff in the garden. I managed to pick up the intruder and sling him over the fence. This is the same moggie that got stuck up the chimney a couple years back and had to be pulled down by me, wearing oven gloves.

Rather boring day at work getting papers ready for Friday’s board meeting. I tried to make it more interesting by sending them to Ms H on individual emails with literary references. “The Performance Report suddenly appeared in the French windows, scowling and with scratches on its cheeks.” That kind of thing. Helped pass the day.

Last executive meeting of the year. Another 12 months consigned to the history books. At least we had cake.

The audio book I’m listening to is all about how we perceive and interact with the reality around us and is a mind blowing tour through Descartes, Einstein, Darwin, and (now) the post war era of social psychology and experiments in manipulation of the masses. Scary and thrilling stuff. We really are primitive. More so than we used to be in fact; look at the whole Trump and Brexit thing. Millions of people duped by propaganda. Or are we living in a computer simulation …?

I was listening to it in the car, waiting for TSM who got held up in meetings. Ms M knocked on the window and told me I looked cute, lying there with my eyes closed but Mr P just rudely and loudly told me to shut the door so he could get his car out. Sigh …

Didn’t feel like doing anything tonight so had a toasted veggie bacon sandwich and listened to music. I don’t do enough of that. The fairy lights on the mantelpiece were rather lovely and by taking off my glasses and screwing up my eyes I could convince myself I was in a dimly lit jazz club. So I thought I’d blip them…

Music Notes: Herbie Hancock

I was listening to Stevie Wonder’s Songs in the Key of Life and noticed that Herbie Hancock played  in some of the sessions, so I started listening to him. Great musician but very diverse, so I must make up some playlists. I really like his mellow stuff rather than his electronic experiments. Settled on Maiden Voyage for tonight, his Blue Note era classic album. 

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