Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Somebody up there likes us

The weather did its best to sabotage the Lodon Blipmeet. Hurricane Katie tried to blow our house down overnight (only managed a  bit of garden fence and a few chairs but it was all very dramatic whilst it lasted). But a few of us made our way to Potters Field Park in the shadow of Tower Bridge and met up in the sunshine for a walk and a natter about all things blipping. In fact we were so busy talking that we didn't do a lot of photography, although I thought Chris's funky pigeon shot was very funny. Here's a groupie on the steps of Hay's Galleria.

I had already had some lovely fish and chips from Borough Market (beer battered hake no less) but we gathered for a pint in Dogget's Coat and Badge at Blackfriars after our walk, at which point it all went black, wet and windy and I got the bus back to Waterloo to meet TSM. She had been eating veggie roast dinner with the family in Hampstead so we all had a grand day out (less so The Dizzle who had gone down with a stomach bug and Top Gun who was at work).

Today made me realise how important blipfoto is, as it still focuses on that unique thing, The Daily Record. My life is one of constant reflection. I'd go so far to say that for those of us of a non-religious perspective, it is like a form of prayer, time out once every twenty four hours from this crazy world. Searching for an image and a few words, no matter how mundane, is a discipline that forces you to stop and think, a species of introspection. 

So yes we had a little window in the weather; and we got to hear first hand from Annie and Chris (big thanks for organising today) about how Blipfoto has ended up where it should be, as a Community Interest Company which is going to be run in a sensible way for the benefit of (and with the support of) its members, whoever they are and however they contribute. Today convinced me that someone up there loves us; our job is to love them back and support the new blipfoto to grow, come rain or shine.

PS - was going to crop out the guy on the right who wasn't with us but looked like he wanted to be - but left him in as maybe he is a metaphor for blippers yet to come .... they just need enticing in to the fold ... 

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