Village Life

There’s a lot going on here:

- the guy in bright green (the only one actually doing anything!) is putting up a post for a street lamp. He is trying hard to ignore . . .
- the two guys by the car (Gordon and our neighbour opposite) who are grumbling about the post – ‘it’s too tall, wrong colour, wrong place, we didn’t want a lamp anyway . . . ‘ they are leaning on . . .
- the white car, which had been parked outside our house, quite innocently by someone, but was now causing problems for . . .

- the guy in the white truck who was hoping his mate would get a move on and finish the job so they could get to the next one (judging by the posts on the roof of the truck they had a few more to do before the end of the day).
The guy in the green truck had nothing to do with anything – he just couldn’t get past for people and vehicles in the way!!
Village life!
Now Gordon is having fun trying to find out who actually ordered this post, why we were not informed about it and why it is silver in a conservation area. The layers of contractors and sub-contractors are unbelievable. He has woken a few people up though.

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