The Mayors of Lancashire

Today's the day ................. for pomp and ceremony - and the shocking Miss Emerald

A day of two halves and a late return home, so I'm blipping this the following day.

The morning began with a ceremonial visit to Carnforth Station of a party of Mayors from all the different bits of the County of Lancashire.  I'm not sure what the collective noun for mayors is but it should be something to do with lots of heavy-looking golden chains?  A 'glistening'  perhaps - or a 'linking' ?!  Anyway, they were given a grand tour and a bag of goodies - and in return, they posed en masse  under the famous 'Brief Encounter' clock.

The most exciting part of the day however, took place in the Sands Centre in Carlisle that evening.  It was the first concert in the 2017 Tour of the amazingly wonderful Caro Emerald.  I can't remember how we came to know of her in the beginning, but we've been fans for a while now.  And she is even better in the flesh (if much smaller than I was expecting!) than she is on record.

I can't show you what it was like in the hall because cameras of any kind were strictly forbidden.  You'll just have to take it from me that she and her band are one exciting act.  She really knows how to work an audience - and last night Carlisle took her to their hearts.  They nearly brought the house down when she performed this ...........................  

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