Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Fire Beyond Our Fence

I was upstairs working in the office room which is on the front side of our house. I heard lots of commotion out on our street, so I walked to the window to look out and saw lots of people; about that moment Mr. Fun yelled REALLY loud from downstairs, "LOOK OUT BACK!"

So I did and this is what I saw. Egads! I immediately ran downstairs to grab the three leashes for our three pooches. Once I got back upstairs I hooked the leashes to two of the pups, but Chloe was hiding under the bed; she was scared, and I could not get to her. So I took another look outside. I could see that the wind was thankfully blowing away from our yard so I decided to just wait for a few moments before putting the dogs in the car and getting on outta here . . . waiting was a good decision. Two fire trucks arrived and the firefighters begun using their chain-saws to cut down some of the foliage and their water hoses to attack the flames. So I took some photos and posted these angry thoughts on my FaceBook page:

"FIRE! For the past year we have been reporting the illegal activity of teenagers in the meadowland behind our neighborhood. It is a "No Trespassing" zone, but teenagers have been running amuck in the overgrowth for months. The situation has been reported numerous time.The Army Corps of Engineers, the Orange County Flood Control, and the local police have all been asked to take care of this situation. Today, FIRE did the job. It could have seriously damaged some homes. The wind was blowing away from our home, but the neighbors on the other side of the trees and shrubs had full smoke. Now the under-brush is gone and the lives of many rabbits, squirrels, and birds. We are thankful for the firefighters who are now cutting down the underbrush that's left and putting out the embers."

The sound of the fire was horrifying and the speed that it traveled through the trees was frightening. It didn't take long and the fire fighters had the flames controlled and then eliminated.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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