A Favourite Place #3

This is one of our favourite places to sit - but certainly not in the weather we've been having lately!  It might be quite awhile before we bring out the table and chairs to enjoy dining al fresco.  It is great to see the garlic pushing through the mulch though! 
We watched a heart-warming segment on Rick Mercer's show last night that raised our spirits.  It's so good to see features like this when so much of the news is negative.  Children and young people in Canadian schools raise money for bed nets to help prevent malaria in Africa, and what a wonderful way to encourage them to contribute in positive ways to people in other parts of the world.  We used to teach in the Prince George school district, and one of the small schools there raised an incredible amount of money.  It was amazing to see kids in Fort Mac too, the community that was devastated by a wildfire last May.  I've included links to two videos, and if you enjoy seeing children and young people doing good things, please take a look.  I actually shed a few tears watching them!

"Spread the Net against Malaria
Each year, malaria kills an estimated 438,000 people, and it remains the leading cause of death of children under 5 in Africa.
Since 2007, Spread the Net has helped protect the lives of almost 32 million people by contributing to the delivery of over 15.3 million malaria-preventing bed nets to families in Africa.
Co-founded by Rick Mercer and Belinda Stronach in 2006, the Spread the Net Student Challenge is a friendly competition between Canadian schools to raise funds for bed nets. The top fundraising elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools receive a visit from Rick Mercer himself and appear on an episode of the Rick Mercer Report!"   Spread the Net Student Challenge

Spread the Net 1
Spread the Net 2

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