St Patrick's Well


A builder's van was parked so close I had to squeeze in to get this shot and couldn't get a full view so see the link for a better impression.

St.Patrick made footfall in a lot of places it seems. It's thought that he was abducted to Ireland from Ravenglass and later made his return and possibly shipwrecked here at some point. I can see a Father Ted style game show crossed with Call My Bluff to establish who and where he really was and where he really went.

The nearby 8th/9th century chapel has the most astonishing rock cut tombs overlooking Morecambe bay (extra). The last time we came here Callum was about 14 and he lay down in one of these, I've got a photo somewhere ... and it was drier then.

Afterwards I enjoyed a retro cup of tea at the Midland and a wet walk along the prom.The last time I was at the Midland was when I used to bring my aunt here for lunch before it was closed and later restored - it was genuinely faded then and rather wonderful in its dilapidation. 
Proper holiday stuff!
And then feeling a real sense of loss hearing Tusk's 'we already miss you, thank you and goodbye' as I drove home.

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