Five things

By fivethings

Africa Express

1. A very positive meeting round the big table. There are jam jars full of very sharp coloured pencils, which is surprisingly pleasing addition to any meeting.

2. Then I'm off to Edinburgh to meet Hannah at the Apex hotel. It's very good to talk things over with her and even better to put some brave ideas together.

3. Next I cross the bridge and find Patisserie Valerie where I meet the lovely Paul. I have a chocolate milkshake, he has a cake that has a bleeding profiterole on the top. Another positive chat. People are very kind and generous with their time.

4. And then, back in Glasgow I wolf a quick sarnie and meet Colin and then make our way to the Arches for Africa Express . You might describe the crowd - on first glance - as a Guardian reader convention, which in many ways it is. It's also a pretty healthy Arches crowd, an older crowd and an african crowd. Worlds are colliding.

5. We watch a few bands - the main room is mental - but stage two seems to suit us. We don't see Damon Albarn but the music we do see is pretty cool. Nothing beats the last band we see, who are just brilliant and there's much dancing and an amazing energy. I am so so glad I went. Checked my camera into the cloakroom though so the only visual from my day is this hasty shot taken as we leave at 11.59pm.

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