And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

I got the job ;0)

im soooooooo happy I got the job and im chuffed to say the least im just starting out one day a week on a Wednesday morning and im going to be in the kitchen baking :0) they were about 8 options to choose from but his first thought was to put me on reception to see how i liked that I said I would give it ago but then the option of cooking&baking come up for the little bistro they have so I jumped at the chance. I went in and i wasn't even nervous ok maybe a little but i did it. we were there around an hour and he showed us around and hey all seem very friendly. Luckily I have Dave to drop and pick me up if not this wouldn't be happening so thanks dave :) as soon as i got out jayne was saying how well I had done and i believed her because deep down I knew I had been good bloody good in fact haha soon as I got home i told dave who was working away in the garden and he was made up for me and said he may do some voluntary work for them in the garden we will see. After I told dave i phoned dad he was happy for me i think! then phoned mum her phone was off shes at work but shes calling this aft i no she will be made up too. these are the cherry and current scones i made when i got in im going to make a batch of something everyday to get used to it this will make dave and Dan very happy. Time for lunch now. Thanks for all your good luck wishes it obviously worked.

love c xxx

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