And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

blue sky's and berry's!

but you cant really see the berry's another back door blip. I have been out though went to docs for a meds review with jayne with my support worker. Then I went to citizen advice with dad and he took me for breakfast :) we got turned away from cab as it was so so busy we will have to try again tomoz as they dont appointments on your first visit. They are a life saver if anyone on here from the UK is struggling with anything I would totally advice you to go they are so so helpful. Eaten far too much today and the weight is piling back on clothes are getting tighter and with every lb that goes on I lose a bit more of me but its all my own doing and there's only me who can do something about it. I have an interview tomoz at basics plus its a voluntary organisation im nervous to say the least jayne has organised it all my interview is at 1040 so i will blip after that with the news. I can almost taste Scotland now im sooooooo looking forward to it :) im guna grab a shower now and straighten my hair for tomoz then im going to walk Ash with Dave so I must be off.

love c x x x

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