Abstract Thursday - another attempt
I wanted something out of the camera for today's challenge. Which is the only way I can do it as I don't have any post production software. I find the long lens helps compress a shot and give a different perspective.
I was up in London for a couple of meetings and had enough time to walk to the first, have a stroll around and lunch before walking to the second. As promised it was a very pleasant day in the capital but it did seem quieter owing to last week's tragedy I suspect.
The first walk was to Pall Mall from Victoria through St James's Park, the second from Pall Mall through Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, China Town to Piccadilly Circus and a coffee at Nespresso (to try their new decaf pod) then along Piccadilly to Green Park for lunch and finally on to Petty France past Buck House.
The afternoon meeting finished early enabling me to get an earlier train home which then gave us time for dinner before out to the inaugural meeting of the Allotment Society. Probably a good idea to form a society to manage our own affairs. There were plenty of eager volunteers for the various posts so there was no need to think about having to stand. Which is good, we want to go up do our thing and come back and not get involved in any allotment politics. Good for those who do though.
Seen sense at last? The government seem to be proposing dropping the tests at 7 years of age. It's been a long time coming. I like the saying we've used about over testing; "you don't make a pig heavier by weighing it more often"
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