Enzo the Baker

By Enzo

Day out at

ISIS - the particle accelerator at Harwell. Thanks to J. for a wonderful tour and a close view of the target end of the neutron beam, where the accelerated little things hit whatever has been put in their way. Neutrons are small; the massive engineering all around is there to contain the high energy involved. J's explanation of of particle-wave duality was clear enough for me to get the notion of an atom-level microscope. 

In the extra, a target holder. 

Harwell campus is an inspiring place. And I loved the anecdote about another site in the particle physics world, where 'everyone who works here has a Masters - except for him. He used to run a ferret farm. But when he came for a job, he had a home-made particle accelerator in his bag ... '

Home the old way through Chipping Norton and Bourton on the Hill, after which  the trees come surging up to the road. Men have been fighting back with chainsaws, keeping the way open. 

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