
First time on my own as room guide at Oxburgh Hall - in the 'Queen's Room' - at the top of the gatehouse, reached by the spiral stone staircase I posted as an extra on 20th March. The main feature of this room is the two huge tapestries 12ftx18ft on the walls at either end. They were made in Mortlake between 1620 and 1625 and are genuine - not copies. Amazing detail in them and still quite bright colours even after almost 400 years!
The last visitor of the day was Lady Mary Bedingfeld, the wife of the current Baronet who lives in half of the Hall as the family has since it was built in 1482. She was showing a friend round but asked me to remind her of the dates of the tapestries as she couldn't remember - good job I could or I would have felt a right idiot!

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