
2years 318days

We were superduper touristy today!! We had a wonderful time with Max and his mummy first thing for a couple of hours (after a quick cuddle with Edie, who was tired and delicate so stayed home). We took them down the cliff paths, into the soft play on the beach. They had a ride in a tacky arcade car, they ran on the beach, they ate ice cream and !!! Katie had her first donkey ride!! She absolutely loved it and grinned and waved all the way there and back with Max beside her on his donkey. We then took them up the cliff in the tram, before we had byebye cuddles. Big byebye-youre-off-back-to-Australia cuddles.

Katie and I then got on our train. TO LONDON!! We arrived in London about 4 and headed over to Leicester Square. Katie was extremely pleased as one of the first things she saw was Filmstar Wenlock, who she ran to, hugged and kissed. We walked along Leicester Square and saw everyone setting up for and lining up to see the stars arriving for the premiere of Sweeney, so Katie had her first red carpet experience. We then went to M & M World. It was fab! I suspect they pump the chocolate smell round though. Katie posed for photos with London Bus M&Ms, the Beatles M&Ms, Household Guards M&Ms and Olympics M&Ms. She weighed out her own two colours of pink bag of M&Ms. Which was very useful for our rush hour journey across London!

We arrived at Stratford to meet the friends we were staying with, her godmother, and travelled together to their house where their excited little boy was waiting to frantically show Katie all he owned. Katie just watned to play with his pram and teddy. They sat together and ate a home cooked chinese for tea ,before she flopped in bed. Happy Little Tourist.

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