Oh dear....

22months 13days

Katie came back into the lounge whilst I was pottering this morning. It was very quiet. I went to investigate. She had climbed and got the sudocrem and "painted" Lala's screen. Very carefully. She was then however quite upset about it and wanted it wiping. Which she also did very carefully until every bit was off. Sigh.

We had a nice time at home just playing and getting sorted, before we went for her swimming lesson. She was full of beans today. There were only 3 in the class, so it wasnt very structured but she had fun. She kept dunking herself right under the water over and over. She did crocodile swimming along the steps about a dozen times, chasing her little friend during a couple of the runs. She's only using her arms on the floor when she crocodiles now - her legs are stretched behind and kicking.

She fell asleep on the way home but woke as I tried to put her to her bed. I thought she'd gone off until I then heard her chatting to her animal friends. We had a very special afternoon - a friend who lives in Cambridge drove up to visit us, and collect Katie's baby things. It was lovely to see her, her hubby and gorgeous babybump. We went to the duck pond together, and I think A's hubby enjoyed feeding them as much as Katie did. Katie didnt even eat their bread. She then chased me round and round a huge oak tree for quite a long time, before we came home. She did very well seeing all the baby things being packed in their car. It was so nice to see them and we cant wait to go down and visit them when Baby comes!

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