Raining Cats and Dogs

The sun shone brightly for most of the day while I sat in Helios Café working away. I am involved in multiple programmes/streams of work up at the business school next week (at least five). One, requiring the facilitation of six hour long sessions, was only offered to me on Thursday and I needed to enter the slots in my agenda and reassure myself that there were no clashes with the 24 other sessions over four locations already in there. That in itself took a while along with reviewing the material for the sessions. Then I had to work on the design and prepare prework for the next module I'm co-running for a major motor manufacturer (a follow-on from the Lake District work), do a host of other confirmation emails and dictate up my summary notes for the clients from eight hours of Abu Dhabi sessions last Monday. This was all meant to be preliminary clearing-of-the-decks work before starting my latest invoice preparation round. Well, ten hours later, the first invoice has yet to be done. My FD will be shaking his head in Holland and preparing some straight talking words, my coach mentor and supervisor will think kindly that I'm only human and Dd will worry that I am worried about not getting onto the sharp end of cash flow management! Don't, Dd, I'm relaxed and have targeted next Sunday as my calculator wielding intensive!

Having racked up about 200 steps by 7 pm I decided to brave the sudden heavy rain and make 5,000 steps through Sants with a stop now for a frankfurt and beer on Plaza del Centro.

I liked this self-service vending machine dedicated to cheese, ham and steak that I passed en route.

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